Applied AIML Data Science

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Market Cycle Prediction Model - Data Analysis

Momentum Variables, 2005 to 2012

published October 31, 2020


This article is the second part of a three-part series of articles with the overriding goal of developing an ML model for predicting market cycles. The model is useful on its own as a buy/sell signal, as input to broader investment strategy, or for use as an input to another model. Such a market cycle prediction model is not available to the open-source community. Thus, an additional goal is to publish the model and methods to the open-source software community. Furthermore, the same process used here to model the S&P 500 works for individual securities.

After a brief articulation of the objectives and importing the necessary data, in this article, we thoroughly analyze the data needed to create the predictive model. Data analysis is a crucially important exercise for developing an effective ML model. The model development process’s data analysis phase requires an organized and systematic approach. Data analysis can be a tiring effort, and data scientists can feel rushed to get to the modeling phase. However, very often, data understanding and data processing is the key to building an accurate model. A thorough understanding of the data and its relationship to the business often yields significant and valuable insights.

This article implements the first three phases of the data science modeling process. Thus, as we proceed, it will be helpful to keep in mind this process and the relationship to our exercise. The first three steps of the process are listed below.



The first step in the data science modeling process is to understand the business and technical objectives. In this case, the aim is to predict market down and upcycles to guide investments, buy and sell, in the stock market. In this case, the objective is to predict the mkt (dependent variable), which indicates a “Bull” up-trending market, or “Bear” down-trending market. The mkt variable was derived from the S&P 500 close price in the previous article (part 1.) This objective, buy or sell signal, will, in turn impose technical requirements on the prediction model. To be practically useful, the predicted investment signal (prediction of mkt) will need to be highly accurate, including high precision and selectivity. Investors are not likely to base investment decisions on a signal that is not highly accurate. False positives, falsely predicting a downward trending (Bear), will cause de-investment of potentially large investments, incur fees, and miss out on upward trends, resulting in losses. Similarly, false negatives will keep money invested in a downward trending market and incur a financial loss. Generally, a low performing signal will not garner the confidence necessary for adoption by market professionals.

An additional requirement for this project is the use of open-source data. Market analysts often have access to superior data sources that provide valuable and insightful data. These special data sources are often available to financial investment institutions at a significant cost. However, this exercise is an open-source project and will demonstrate that creating an accurate model with open data sources is possible. The data and software for creating an accurate market cycle model are made available to the open-source community in the Pyqunt python module available in Github.

Github Links

The software for this post is contained in the Pyquant GitHub repository. Specifically, the following modules and notebooks from the repository are used to support the analysis and results for this post.

Notebook Initialization

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta as td
import seaborn as sns
import quandl

%run fmget
%run fmtransforms
%run fmplot
%run fmcycle

The python code for the examples discussed in this article is contained in the “SP500_MktCycle_Data” notebook (link above).

We begin by importing packages and modules. The,,, and are not available within a python package. Thus, using the software requires downloading into a directory contained in the PYTHONPATH. Downloading the modules into the Jupyter or Python working directory is typically the most straightforward approach.

Data important

The data import examples herein demonstrate how to import data from public APIs using functions within the module and transform the data for subsequent analysis with functions from the module.

Importing Raw Data from APIs

The code block below first imports data from the existing set of saved data files. If the parameter update_data is equal to True, then the current data is augmented with new information acquired from several publicly available APIs. Setting the start and end datetime variables indicates to get data only over the corresponding dates. facilitates a simple data management level by appending new data to the existing data sources and saving the updated data into the specified directory. The files’ names are updated automatically based on the acquired data, start, and end dates in the corresponding dataframe. This process enables archiving data for when recovery is needed or the API sources are unavailable.

To get started, when existing data is not yet available, new data can be downloaded manually from the corresponding sources. Or, an initial set of data for each of these sources is available in Github.

The data import is facilitated by several functions within the module, as follows.

The following data are acquired from open APIs.

On some occasions, data may be reported less frequently than indicated above due to extenuating circumstances, for example, as during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such situations have occurred for the acquisition of P/E and Consumer Sentiment. In such cases, we proceed by filling forward until new data is available.

Examples (a couple of rows) for each of the corresponding dataframes are shown below the code block.

# get recessions
recessions = get_recessions()

# Data files with current set of data

sp500_file = './data/GSPC_1950-1-3_to_2020-10-5.csv'

# read in Files with the current set of data
df_sp500 = pd.read_csv(sp500_file,index_col=0,parse_dates=True)
df_sppe_daily = pd.read_csv(sppe_file,index_col=0,parse_dates=True)
df_t10y3m =pd.read_csv(t10y3m_file,index_col=0,parse_dates=True)
df_gdp = pd.read_csv(gdp_file,index_col=0,header=0,parse_dates=True)
df_unrate = pd.read_csv(unrate_file,index_col=0,header=0,parse_dates=True)
df_cpiaucsl = pd.read_csv(cpiaucsl_file,index_col=0,header=0,parse_dates=True)
df_umcsent = pd.read_csv(umcsent_file,index_col=0,header=0,parse_dates=True)

# update data and append, if update_data == True    

if update_data==True:
    print('today =',
    start=dt.datetime(2020,8,1)  # update data start
    end=dt.datetime(2020,10,6)   # update data end

    # Quandle API key
    quandle_api_key_file = "quandl_api_key_file"
    f = open(quandle_api_key_file,'r')

    # Fred API key
    fred_api_key_file = "fred_api_key_file"
    f = open(fred_api_key_file,'r')

    df_sppe_daily=quandl_sppe_getappend(df_sppe_daily,df_sp500,quandl_api_key, start,end,save=True, savedir='./data')

              Close      	High	    Low	   Open	   Volume	   Adj Close
2020-10-02  	3348.419	3369.100	3323.690	3338.939	3.961e+09	3348.419
2020-10-05  	3408.600	3409.570	3367.270	3367.270	3.686e+09	3408.600

2020-10-02	0.61
2020-10-05	0.68

            PE	Earnings
2020-10-02	28.781	116.339
2020-10-05	29.299	116.339

2020-01-01	21561.139
2020-04-01	19408.759

2020-08-01	8.4
2020-09-01	7.9

2020-07-01	258.723
2020-08-01	259.681

2020-03-01	89.1

Market Cycles

In the code block bellow, the market cycles are imported from a file or computed from newly available S&P price data. When the compute variable is set equal to 1, the cycles are derived from S&P close price. When compute = 0, the market cycle information is loaded from a saved file. This latter option is convenient to save time since it takes a few minutes to compute the market cycles for the market history going back to 1950. However, when analyzing the data and restarting the notebook, it is unnecessary to recompute the market cycles when the market data has not changed. The fmcyle() function was discussed in detail in the previous post Analyzing Bull and Bear Market Cycles in python. A couple rows of the detailed market cycle dataframe (dfmc) are listed following the code block.

#Market Cycles

%run fmtransforms
%run fmplot
%run fmcycle
compute=0   # if compute is 1 then compute new market cycles, else load from saved file



#string = get_market_cycles()

df_mc,df_mcsummary=fmcycles(df=df_sp500,symbol='GSPC',compute=compute, mc_filename=f_dfmc, mcs_filename=f_dfmcs, mcdown_p=mcycledown,mcup_p=mcycleup,savedir="./data")


            Close	    High    	Low	      Open	   Volume  	  Adj Close mkt	mcupm	mcnr	mucdown	mdcup
2020-10-02	3348.420	3369.100	3323.690	3338.940	3.962+09	3348.420	1	1	0.497	0.0650	0.0
2020-10-05	3408.600	3409.570	3367.270	3367.270	3.687e+09	3408.600	1	1	0.523	0.0481	0.0

Data Transformations and Joins

Now that we have the necessary data, we need to apply several transformations to make it useful. For reference, we reviewed the data science modeling process in a previous article. In this article, the process of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) occurs in this section (“Data Transformations and Joins”) and the next section (“Data Analysis”).

The transformations and joins will generate one dataframe, df_ml, with all the machine learning features. It is essential to keep in mind that the feature extraction exercise will create the ML features, where the main focus is creating variables that appear useful for ML. However, potentially more variables than necessary may result. In the feature selection process, during model development, we will decide to use some, not all, of the features based on their usefulness to the predictive model.


# Join PE, Earnings and Market Cycles
# Drop Adj Close, does not make sense for S&P
# Compute Earnings percent return
df_sppe=period_percent_change(df_sppe,'Earnings',new_variable_name = 'Earnings_mom')
df_sppe=period_percent_change(df_sppe,'PE',new_variable_name = 'PE_mom')
df_ml=fmjoinff(df_mc,df_sppe[['PE','PE_mom','Earnings','Earnings_mom']],verbose=False,dropnas=True).drop(['Adj Close'],axis=1)

# Yield Curve, T10Y3M, 10 Year Treasury - 3 Month Treasury

df_gdp = gdprecession(df_gdp,'GDP') # adds gdg_qoq, recession1q, recession2q

# Unemployment

# Consumer price index

# Consumter Sentiment

# Simple Moving Averages

# Normalized mavgs
#   1-day (today / yesterday .... sma5 = 5-day smavg( today / yesterday ) .... )

# Relative 200-day moving average
# scale of 0 to 1


# Volatility ... Log Return Std Dev, and Velocity


Index(['Close', 'High', 'Low', 'Open', 'Volume', 'mkt', 'mcupm', 'mcnr',
 'mucdown', 'mdcup', 'PE', 'Earnings', 'T10Y3M', 'GDP', 'gdp_qoq',
 'recession1q', 'recession2q', 'UNRATE', 'UNRATE_avgvel3', 'CPIAUCSL',
 'cpimom', 'UMCSENT', 'UMCSENT_avgvel3', 'Close_sma20', 'Close_sma50',
 'Close_sma200', 'Close_nma1', 'Volume_nma1', 'Close_nma5',
 'Volume_nma5', 'Close_nma10', 'Volume_nma10', 'Close_nma15',
 'Volume_nma15', 'Close_nma20', 'Volume_nma20', 'Close_nma30',
 'Volume_nma30', 'Close_nma50', 'Volume_nma50', 'Close_nma200',
 'Volume_nma200', 'rma_sma50_sma200', 'rma_sma20_sma50', 'PDI50',
 'NDI50', 'ADX', 'Close_lrstd25', 'Close_lrstd63', 'Close_lrstd126',
 'Close_lrstd25_avgvel5', 'Close_lrstd63_avgvel5',

The transformations and joins are performed in the code block (above) are briefly described below. Each of the transformations is supported by functions contained in the module.

Data Analysis

Though there are numerous data from various sources, it will help to organize our analysis into a few salient categories, as follows.

Economic Indicators

We previously imported several economic indicators, and these, along with data transformations are illustrated in Figure 1. It is useful to Zoom into a period, including a few market cycles, and observe the market behavior relative to the economic indicators.


       sharex=True, hspace=0.03, startdate=s,enddate=e, figsize=[18,10],  
       xtick_labelsize=16, ytick_labelsize=14,legend_fontsize=13 )
Economic indicators relative to market cycles
Figure 1. Economic indicators relative to market cycles.
Price Earnings

The price to earnings ratio, PE variable, is a ratio that measures the current market price relative to trailing earnings. The S&P 500 historical average P/E ratio, going back to 1971, is 19.4. For various reasons, the ratio will deviate from this average. Herein we make several observations that will help towards deriving ML features.


       sharex=True, hspace=0.03, startdate=s,enddate=e, figsize=[18,6],  
       xtick_labelsize=16, ytick_labelsize=14,legend_fontsize=13 )
S&P 500 Price Earnings Ratio
Figure 2. S&P 500 Price Earnings Ratio
Momentum - Moving Averages

Momentum investing relies on making buy and sell decisions from trends derived in the market moving averages. For example, typical averages for momentum investing are the 50-day and 200-day moving average. A typical technical strategy is to observe when the 50-day moving average crosses above or below the 200-day moving average to make a buy or sell decision, respectively. In our case, first, the variable close_price is de-trended (today’s price / yesterday price - 1) followed by an n-day moving average to generate the variables, such as Close_nma20, Close_nma50, and Close_nma200.

startdate = dt.datetime(2005,1,1)
enddate = dt.datetime(2012,1,1)

titles=['Close Price Simple Moving Averages','Normalized Moving Averages','Relative 50 and 200 Day Moving Averages',
        'Volume Normalized Moving Average']
variables=[ ['Close_sma20', 'Close_sma50', 'Close_sma200'], [ 'Close_nma20', 'Close_nma50','Close_nma200'],
           ['rma_sma20_sma50' ,  'rma_sma50_sma200'],

          enddate=enddate, llocs=['upper left','lower left','lower left','lower left','upper left'],
          title_fontsize=18, titlein=True, hlines=['',0,0,''],titlexy=[(0.65,0.8),(0.72,0.8),(0.68,0.8),(0.65,0.8)],
          hspace=.025, sharex=True, xtick_labelsize=16, ytick_labelsize=16,legend_fontsize=13, figsize=(18,10))
<img alt="Momentum" title="Momentum", src="/images/FinancialMarkets/MomentumVariables.png" width="700">
Figure 3. Consumer price index.
Momentum - ADX Variables

Another set of momentum variables typically employed by investors are the average direction index measures (ADX). Here we have applied a 50-day window to the ADX transforms for generating the variables. We see in Figure 5 the NDI (Negative Direction Index, red) cross above the PDI (Positive Direction Index, green) during downward market movements.

startdate = dt.datetime(2007,1,1)
enddate = dt.datetime(2010,1,1)

titles=['Close', 'Average Directional Index: PDI, NDI']
          enddate=enddate,hspace=.03, sharex=True,titlein = True, titlexy=[(0.5,0.83),(0.45,0.85)],
           llocs=['upper left','center left','center left'],
          linecolors=['',['g','r','b']], xtick_labelsize=16, ytick_labelsize=16,
          legend_fontsize=14,title_fontsize=20, figsize=(18,6))
Figure 4. ADX - Average Directional Index.

The market volatility is measured with the log return standard deviation and illustrated in Figure 6. During the 2007 - 2009 Financial Crisis, the volatility increases as the market crashes, but volatility falls as the market recovers. As with some of the previous variables, movement velocity (direction) is an important clue. The increasing or decreasing volatility is captured in the “velocity” (difference or derivative) of the log return standard deviation, Close_lrstdxx_avgvel5 variables, and also includes a 5-day running average.

startdate = dt.datetime(2004,1,1)
enddate = dt.datetime(2010,1,1)

          titles=[ 'Close Price','Log Return Standard Deviation','Log Return Std Dev Velocity'],startdate=startdate,
          enddate=enddate, llocs=['upper left', 'upper left','upper left','upper left'],titlein=True, title_fontsize=16, hspace=0.05,fb=recessions,
          titlexy=[(0.7,0.85),'',''], sharex=True,
          xtick_labelsize=16, ytick_labelsize=16,legend_fontsize=14, figsize=(18,9))
Figure 5. Volatility.


Now that we have all our ML features into one dataframe, the next step is to investigate the relationship between the ML features and the target variable and also with other ML Features (multi-collinearity). To do this, we will look at the correlation matrix.

We will also look at how the ML Features are related to a shifted version of the target variable. Because many of the ML features result from sliding window averages, the optimum daily correlation point will be some time in the future. Thus, we will identify the maximum correlation point and use it in the data pre-processing (pre-processing in anticipation of ML) stage to align the features for maximum correlation to the target variable.

Correlation List

We run a pairwise correlation of the variables in the dataframe with the Pandas corr() function. Following the code block, we list the correlations to the target variable, mkt.

We will not comment on every correlation, but we will make a few observations.

We have looked at the correlation to the mkt variable one day in advance of the current day. We will see in the next section that we should also consider correlations further out in time. Such a view will cause some variables to have stronger correlations, and thus, they will be more useful as feature variables.

corr_matrix = df_ml.drop(columns=tmp_remove_cols,axis=1).corr()
print(corr_matrix['mkt'].sort_values( ascending = False))
  ['mkt' 'mcupm' 'mcnr' 'mucdown' 'mdcup' 'PE' 'PE_mom' 'Earnings_mom'
   'T10Y3M' 'GDP' 'gdp_qoq' 'recession1q' 'recession2q' 'UNRATE'
   'unrate_pchange' 'CPIAUCSL' 'cpimom' 'UMCSENT' 'umcsent_pchange'
   'Close_nma1' 'Volume_nma1' 'Close_nma5' 'Volume_nma5' 'Close_nma10'
   'Volume_nma10' 'Close_nma15' 'Volume_nma15' 'Close_nma20' 'Volume_nma20'
   'Close_nma30' 'Volume_nma30' 'Close_nma50' 'Volume_nma50' 'Close_nma200'
   'Volume_nma200' 'rma_sma50_sma200' 'rma_sma20_sma50' 'PDI50' 'NDI50'
   'ADX' 'Close_lrstd25' 'Close_lrstd63' 'Close_lrstd126'
   'Close_lrstd25_avgvel5' 'Close_lrstd63_avgvel5' 'Close_lrstd126_avgvel5']    
      mkt                       1.000000
      mcnr                      0.407377
      Close_nma200              0.384183
      Close_nma50               0.365427
      Close_nma30               0.336877
      rma_sma50_sma200          0.336456
      rma_sma20_sma50           0.319561
      mcupm                     0.303942
      Close_nma20               0.297762
      Close_nma15               0.272517
      Close_nma10               0.238956
      PDI50                     0.238481
      umcsent_pchange           0.185696
      Close_nma5                0.181201
      UNRATE                    0.139746
      UMCSENT                   0.134231
      GDP                       0.109271
      CPIAUCSL                  0.108861
      Close_nma1                0.087609
      Volume_nma200             0.080180
      T10Y3M                    0.068570
      Earnings_mom              0.067040
      Volume_nma50              0.037872
      Volume_nma30              0.026944
      recession2q               0.025583
      ADX                       0.025054
      Volume_nma20              0.019722
      PE_mom                    0.017526
      Volume_nma15              0.015658
      Volume_nma10              0.009042
      gdp_qoq                   0.007912
      Volume_nma5               0.003342
      Volume_nma1               0.001041
      NDI50                    -0.029316
      PE                       -0.036005
      unrate_pchange           -0.047461
      Close_lrstd25_avgvel5    -0.064506
      recession1q              -0.086878
      mdcup                    -0.089539
      Close_lrstd63_avgvel5    -0.091399
      Close_lrstd126_avgvel5   -0.120839
      Close_lrstd126           -0.130164
      Close_lrstd63            -0.160196
      cpimom                   -0.182724
      Close_lrstd25            -0.196038
      mucdown                  -0.282421
      Name: mkt, dtype: float6
Correlation Heatmap

A correlation heatmap is a visual tool for finding strong correlations to the target and pairwise correlated variables. We employ a color scheme where the brightest (lightest color) color represents a high positive correlation, dark (black) represents little or no correlation, and blue represents a strong negative correlation. The bright diagonal is the correlation of each variable to itself. As we did in the previous section, a simple ordered list is the easiest method for finding correlations to the target variable. A heatmap is an excellent tool for identifying the presence of multicollinearity, that is, correlated dependent variables. Such correlations can often work against each other and decrease the predictive performance of the model. Here we see several strongly correlated independent variables. For example, we see a few cross-correlated variables of note.

We will deal with the effects of multicollinearity during the feature selection process during the model development phase.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,20))
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, center=0, annot=True, linewidths=.3, ax=ax)
Corellation heat map
Figure 6. Correlation heat map.
Correlation to Shifted Target Variable

Many of the ML Feature variables are moving averages intended to represent price movements over different periods. Depending on the averaging window, the variable will have an optimal correlation with the target variable sometime in the future. Figure 7 illustrates the correlation with the target variable in the future.

corr_vars = ['corr_'+v for v in var_list]  # name of each = corr_"variable" key for the corr_dict
corr_dict={c : [] for c in corr_vars}     # dictionary of correlations key = "corr_variablename"


# iterate over shifted target variable
for k in range(1, 201):
    mkt_n = 'mkt_' + str(k)              # shifted variable name
    df_ml[mkt_n]=df_ml['mkt'].shift(k)   # shifted variable
    corr_matrix = df_ml.corr()           # new correlation matrix
    print(k,end = '.. ')

    # Iterate through dictionary keys and corresponding variables
    for c,v in zip(corr_dict,var_list):
        corr_dict[str(c)].append(corr_matrix[v][mkt_n])  # append correlation to list according to variable key

    df_ml.drop(mkt_n, axis=1, inplace=True)  # drop the shifted target variable

    # add up the total correlations ... approximationdoes not factor in negative cross contributions

corr_dict.update({'total_corr' : total_corr})

fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3,ncols=2,figsize=[18,9])

       [['total_corr'] , ['corr_Close_lrstd25','corr_Close_lrstd63','corr_Close_lrstd126']],
       [['corr_rma_sma50_sma200','corr_Close_nma200','corr_Close_nma50','corr_Close_nma30','corr_Close_nma20','corr_Close_nma15','corr_Close_nma10','corr_Close_nma5'], ['corr_ADX','corr_NDI50','corr_PDI50']],
       [['corr_mucdown','corr_mdcup','corr_mcupm'], ['corr_T10Y3M','corr_CPIAUCSL','corr_UNRATE','corr_GDP']],    

for k2 in range(0,3):
    for k1 in range(0,2):
        for key in corr_list[k2][k1]:
            ax[k2,k1].plot(corr_dict[str(key)], label=key)
        ax[k2,k1].legend(loc='upper right')
        ax[k2,k1].tick_params( labelsize=16)

The top left curve approximates the total correlation to a future date. Together all the variables show a maximum correlation at about 20 days and a strong correlation to about 100 days.

Time shift correlation to target variable
Figure 7. Correlation to shifted target variable.

These observations will be useful for aligning the independent variables for optimal prediction during the data pre-processing step, where we prepare the ML Features for machine learning.

Save the ML dataframe

Next, we save the final combined data frame of variables so that it can be read into the next phase of processing. Eventually, all the steps in preparing this combined dataframe can be automated and put into an analytics pipeline that feeds the predictive model for a daily market prediction.

today =
print('save filename =',filename)

# save the data index as a column named date

Summary and conclusions

This article summarized the first three steps in developing an ML model for predicting S&P 500 market cycles - objectives, data wrangling, and exploratory data analysis. The aim is to provide a buy/sell signal for making investments. The model is also useful as input to other models, and a general indicator of the positive or negative outlook of the stock market.

Several Python modules have been developed to facilitate this process and are available for download on Github. These functions and modules are designed to work together as a system, including for deriving the market cycles, for accessing stock and economic data from public APIs, for easily plotting stock market time-series data, and for performing basic transformations needed for EDA on stock data.

The EDA phase of the model development process requires a systematic exploration of the data variables for deriving features useful for machine learning. In this process, we have analyzed several sets of variables, including economic data, momentum variables, and volatility variables. The economic data analyzed include GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI (Consumer Price Index), consumer sentiment, and unemployment rate. The data analysis also explored the correlation of the ML features to the target variable and pairwise cross-correlation between them. We packaged all the ML Features into one dataframe, df_ml, for the next step of processing. Automation of this process, creating the df_ml dataframe from raw data, can easily be achieved by packaging all the transformations into an “analytics pipeline” that runs each day.

This article is the second in a three-part series. The first article (Part 1 - Analyzing Bull and Bear Market Cycles in Python) describes how to derive market cycle variables from stock market data. Part 2, this article, covers the first three steps in creating a market cycle prediction model, with emphasis on data analysis and ML feature extraction. The next article, Part 3, begins with the df_ml dataframe created in this article, performs data pre-processing, feature extraction, model training, model testing, and model backtesting.


[1] Average Direction Index, Investopedia.
[2] Volatility, Log return standard deviation, Wikipedia.